United Native America

Monday, October 15, 2007

'Columbus Day' Americas National Terrorist Holiday

Americans are calling into their tax dollars are paying for Columbus Day holiday when the true history of the man cannot be taught in our nations . State school officials are on record saying it would be harmful to teach young school children about atrocities Columbus committed against Indian men, women and children. Americans do not want their tax dollars paying for Columbus Day when the true history of this "sick criminal" clearly shows he was not a man of honor toward other human beings.
Change Columbus Day to Native American Day:

True: Columbus did not discover America! Columbus never set foot in America! Columbus is one of the first Europeans to discover the Americas, after the European Vikings. Columbus did, by luck find Islands in what's now called the Caribbean. Indians living there told him to sail West in hopes of getting rid of him. Columbus then set foot in now what's called Central America, and then on to South America during four of his voyages to the so-called new world.

True: Columbus was a slave trader. He kidnapped and enslaved Indians he came in contact with. Columbus and his men with superior weapons forced Indians to mine for gold on their Island homelands, this included Indian children. Columbus and his men punished Indians by cutting off their ears, nose, hands and feet. Columbus and his men, for sport, would hunt Indian children with dogs and let the dogs kill them. Columbus would tie Indians to his ship's mask and let his dogs eat them alive for food when sailing back across the Atlantic Ocean. Indians that survived the voyage were sold as slaves.

Columbus was not a holy crusader; that's another myth. Columbus is personally responsible for the killing of about half a million Indian men, women and children. It's a national sick joke for our U.S. government to honor him with a national holiday and not the Native Americans here in their true homeland! Columbus the sailor was lost! Indians saved his life, unfortunately, for them and others.

Columbus was relieved of his duties as governor over the newfound lands. Columbus and two of his brothers were arrested for their atrocities against Indians. Columbus was placed in manacles on his arms and chains on his feet and thrown into prison to await his return to Spain. He was 53 years old at this time in the year of 1500. After all was said and done by Columbus, toward Indian people, he was ordered never to return to the Americas.
Columbus Arrest and Removal from the Americas

It's time for the Italian American community to rethink how they honor their national holiday. Changing Columbus Day to Italian Heritage Day is only offered as a suggested new name. The Italian American community should have the opportunity to voice their support for this action. The Native American community stands ready to join side by side with all Italian Americans in the celebration of their heritage under any name other than Columbus.
Progressive Italians to Transform the Columbus Holiday (PITCH)

The Native American community fully respects all Italians, but will not show support for Columbus, the man, nor support his having a national holiday in America. This issue has been discussed with Italian American community leaders and Italian groups around the country. Many are in support of doing away with Columbus representing their history and heritage in America.

United Native America Working With Italian Americans

Seventeen states have dropped Columbus Day holiday. South Dakota state law changed Columbus Day to Native American Day. No American Indian Nation supports Columbus having a national holiday, especially when you look at the fact that there's not a federal national holiday recognizing American Indians for all they have endured, to include helping the country America come about, plus our government being set up on the principals of American Indian governments. It's time for America to come full circle and give credit where it's deserved on our countries national holiday list.

Across America multiple ethnic groups are set to protest this coming Columbus Day. University of Southern Maine, opening ceremonies will begin on the Portland campus lawn at 1:00 and end with a peaceful walk to Deering Oaks. Follow the drumbeat to the Portland Campus and join us, our Elders, and guest speakers for a truly educational experience. Protesters will propose a bill to the legislature in Maine to remove Columbus Day.

This action will be taking place at cities and University's throughout America; Columbus Day started in Colorado in 1905. On October 6, 2007, a massive national coalition of groups will descend on Denver, Colorado to protest and call for an end to Columbus Day by the state. Protesters will assemble on the west steps of the state capitol beginning at 8 am on October 6.
Transform Columbus Day Alliance

United Native America a national group based in Oklahoma and part of the Transform Columbus Day Alliance will be in Denver with their banners, one states:
"Christopher Columbus The Americas' first Terrorist"

Native Americans refer to the holiday as Columbus-Hitler Day. These two men's action sparked the killing of over one hundred million people each. Columbus is past racist slavery history in the Americas. His holiday should also be past history. Columbus went to hell for his sins against Indian men, women and children.

Mike Graham, Citizen Oklahoma Cherokee Nation
Founder United Native America


Unknown said...

Columbus Day has no real place and is not really honored as it is. I think Native Americans need to think more about today than about so many years ago. We can do nothing about what happened then but we can do something about what is going on now with the proper effort. I join you in not supporting Columbus Day but because it is a waste of time and wasted day. I say look to the future and remember the past but do not dwell on it. You cannot change it what has already happened.

Mike Graham said...

David, US Native Americans are over Columbus!!!

Our Country needs to get over him as to his part in our nations schools saying he is a hero and some one to look up to!

I hope you can see for real the holocaust is still on going in America today? It is for real.

Thank you for your thoughts on this issue.

vb said...

Columbus...was Portuguese, not Italian, he petitioned Queen Isabella of Spain, Not Italy to finance his voyage. And on it goes from there. I find myself wondering 'WHY’ any Italian American would be concerned over or making an issue of Columbus Day or be offend over the overwhelming response to do away with it as a national holiday.

To few wish to know the truth of a situation...Many would rather be directed, told, what "is" rather than 'Seek' the truth for them selves.... Then again...The truth is seldom what one wants to hear, though often what one needs to hear...so, there are many who continue on with life...by being directed in life...